Saturday, July 31, 2010

Collective System of Humanitarian Aid

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A perfect system of financial support humanitarian, between people weather the financial crisis.


Now through C.S.H.A. we may ends a long period of domination of the banks and money over people and we can start a new era of human dominance over money and so the money will become as they should be: a means for subsistence and not a purpose for existence!
A good opportunity for professional development activities, the largest financial engineering from the world!
Let's take a few minutes to imagine that we can obtain a credit for a medium-term, repayable in 2 years, no bank guarantee and no interest!
-What do you say, call beautiful?,
-It seems even a utopia, but by C.S.H.A. everything is possible, for that man if he wont he can change the laws made by it and thus change the world in which he lives.
In this case, our office C.S.H.A. is the bank that gives long-term money, no bank guarantee and no interest and in many cases will grant credit.
Now you can change your life, the decision is yours!
You're in the great family of CSHA!
CSHA offers the instrument, but its application in practice depends on you.
Change is coming.
Together we can now change the world.
Let's do it!

Open the link:



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This is not a joke and don't scare because you should not kill anybody for these money!
You may receive this amount in just a few days from the Collective System of Humanitarian Aid ( C.S.H.A.)
The system is at the beggining, is honest, fair and legal.
This system is not LOTTERY because you'll work to do your collective system, so that the system and not the CHANCE, may give to you the money at the final.
The system is multilevel and has 10 levels.
The work consists to bringing in this system three persons only for your first level of the system and after the system will auto-generate.
In the System of Humanitarian Aid the charitable act is made through donations.
E.S.H.A. is for altruistic people.
For that at the final the money will come from the collective system and for to obtain money everyone must donate at the beggining.
The basic rule is: at the first everyone must make a small donation of 20 euro for a person from the system and then may receive a large donation of one million euro from the collective system developed on 10 levels.
The secrecy of the system is:"very high speed of circulation of money at every member from the system".
The personal date of the table of the system are strictly confidential, in use for members only.
The system is protected against any errors or unfairness.
Love saves the world!
Your love will help somebody and people's love will help you!
Donations collected will make many people happy.



Instructions for the principle of the operation of this system.

Presentation system
This system relies on charity donations made through voluntary collective and humanitarian aid is designed to provide the opportunity financial self-help among its members.
Each person builds their own first line of humanitarian collective system and must be careful to bring in the system only serious persons, dynamic and in need of money.
The system consists from network of members willing on 10 levels and has a participation list with order numbers from no. 10 at no.1.
Each person enters in the list of participation in the system at the position with no.10 and then progresses sequentially to the position with no.1, where will be possible to receive the humanitarian aid.
Any member of the system must do at the first a humanitarian donation of 20 euro and then do an easy work for a few hours and after his work is finished it must wait to receive collective donations worth one million euro.

Act of Charity
To enter in the system there are a condition: everyone must to do a proof of love for his neighbor by donating a sum of 20 euro to a person who is already in the system and reached in the list of participation in the system at the position with no. 1.
If you wish to enter in the system, you will receive from a person recently entered in the system in position with no.10 the personal data: name, surname and bank account of that person with no.1 from participation list.

Re-writing the list of participation
After you will do the donation, you'll receive the list of the participation in system, it must be re-writing so that you'll remove from the no.1 the person who received the donation of 20 euro and you'll advance all persons from the list so that the person. with no. 2 will become no.1 and no.3 will be no.2 ...and no.10 will be no.9 and then at no.10 remained free you must write your personal information: name, surname and bank account.
Own network. Forming
Now follow a easy work of forming for the first level of the network system, which needs just a few hours, while you must to find only three serious persons who need money and want to join the collective system of humanitarian aid.
At first you will send to those three persons these instructions which containing system mechanisms and then after they will say that want to enter in the system, you'll send their the personal data from the person with no.1 from the new list re-writing and in which you are registered at no.10.
Attention! you don't must to give the personal data from the person with no.1 from the old list that you received at your entry into the system, because that person has received the donation.
After those three persons will do donations, you'll give their the list of participation in the system.

After you will receive the re-written lists from the three persons with no.10, for to check these with very carefully.
The personal data from their lists must be identical with personal data from your re-written list, except that all persons have been advanced one position and at the position with no.9 you'll find your personal data.

The short time is crucial: there are the 10 levels by crossed and if each level takes only 24 hours to be crossed then in the total will be: 10 x 1 day = 10 days or even fewer days until to receive the donations collective

Then wait about 10 days, it is the minimum time required to advance from position with no.10 to position with no.1, when you may receive donations from the collective system of humanitarian aid.

In short you will proceed with your three guests of on the first your level, step by step, just as I have done with you.

For the success is require maximum seriousness, humanitarian collective donations, big attention at the re-writting or transmission of personal data of members system, a little work that is not hard and needs few hours only and a very high speed to take the decisions and of action and circulation of money.

Secret The big secret of the system is "very high speed of circulation of money at every member from the system".

Amount received through collective donations may be of one million euro.
How to reach that amount?
As you move from position with no.10 to position with no.1, behind you gather as many persons, so that will be three persons on each level and are 10 levels, namely: 3x3x3x3x3x3x3x3x3x3 = 59.049 members donors x 20 euro/donation = 1,180,980 euro will be in total.

Systems and cycles
A person can revert back into the system after receiving humanitarian aid donations, even it is advisable to repeat the cycle for the system to remain active, but without to receive any further other donations.
Goal of the system
People who receive collective donations may to associate and jointly invest the money to develop a business major and will then help the other members of the system to develop and so to reach the general economic prosperity and social progress.

Secure system
-To secure system, the list of participation in the system is given to the three persons from the first level of own network, only after they will do the proof that donated the amounts of 20 euro to the person indicated.
-Any new person entered in system in position with no.10 will send his re-written list to be check to the person who invited him in system and that there are now on the position with no.9 from his re-written list.

If you don't bring serious persons in your team, that to have great need of money to be involved in the system, then there is the risk that your network system to be discontinued and no longer receive donations, but then all is good namely to make some personal charity worth of 20 euro, who is not a large sum, but the probability of this happening is very small.

If you wish to come in this system, emergency contact me please and do the mention E.S.H.A. at the subject of the mail, because in this case I shall send you the personal data for the person with no.1 from the participation list.

My e-mail address will be attached at this blog.

My friend I wish you have Good luck!

Open the link:

PS. In the case you will enter in the system, in future you will may use this page for your online invitations at E.S.H.A. like me now, but you will write in the invitations your e-mail address, not my address. Keep it !

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